About Us

In Support of Lactation and Parenting:

Equipping People for Empathetic, Genuine, Skillful, and Respectful Communication.

Our team has drawn on its combined years of rigorous training, respectful pedagogical theory, effective techniques, and direct experience in working with La Leche League and families one on one and in groups. We are dedicated to supporting you as you work with families at vulnerable stages.

We developed an online self-paced course in order to adapt to current busy lifestyles and trends in education. Whether or not you have taken a La Leche League Human Resources Enrichment or Communication Skills course, check us out. We have revised, improved, added to, and customized our offerings for the benefit of Lactation Professionals. We think you will like and profit from this course. This course satisfies the five hour communication skills CERPs requirement for IBCLCs.

Our Team Members

Rosetta Bartels Designer/Administrator

Rosetta Bartels

Volunteering is something Rosetta Bartels does regularly and often.  Her La Leche League (LLL) involvement began when her first daughter was born.  She became an LLL Leader 47 years ago and has been involved in the LLL of Kansas Area in many ways.  She became a Communication Skills Instructor 35 years ago and became an Instructor Trainer 30 years ago.  She has served as an administrator on the United States West Area Network 30 years also.  She has led Communication Skills sessions throughout Kansas and presented many workshop sessions at state and International conferences.  One of her passions is the local historical museum; she is an original board member.  Another interest is dog sports.  She is an active member of the local AKC club and along with being board secretary she has great fun training her Chihuahua and herself to compete at Agility trials.  She also enjoys the fact that her youngest daughter and family share her home and she gets to be very involved in the lives of her grandchildren.

One of Rosetta’s favorite quotes and her thoughts:

“Dialogue requires that we be willing to suspend memory, desire, and assumptions. And exist, if only for a moment, for the other person.”   William Isaacs

One eye-opening experience became a part of my philosophy of human communication when I learned about the difference between “discussion” and “dialogue.”  I came to believe that I often engage in “discussion,” that is I talk with another person(s) trying to convince them that I l know the answer and that my answer is right.  I now try to engage in “dialogue,” that is I try to listen and understand, to put myself in the other person’s shoes and see life as they see it.  I have come to see conversation to be like a three-legged stool, one that is stable and safe.  The three legs are respect, empathy and genuineness.  If any of the three are missing the stool becomes unstable and insecure.

Misty Dunn Designer/Administrator

Misty Dunn has been a Communication Skills Instructor (CSI) for 34 years, a trainer of CSIs for 25 years, and a La Leche League Leader for 50 years. During this time, she has presented at conferences (internationally and within the USA), offering workshops on communication skills, parenting, breastfeeding, and administrator training. 

Her other experiences include: teaching preschool and elementary school for 21+ years, facilitating a cancer support group, lay counselor (Stephen Minister and Stephen Leader), various leadership roles in her faith community, and presenter and facilitator for Survivors Teaching Students speaking on ovarian cancer for medical and nursing students at University of California, Davis. ‘

One of Misty’s favorite quotes is:

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”  Leo Buscaglia

Misty explains: This quote exemplifies how I see communication at its best — to demonstrate caring, which can be expressed in many different ways. La Leche League initiated my learning in this: beginning with how to show your love for your infant through breastfeeding, then extending the demonstration of that love throughout that child’s life, and in our interactions with other children/people we come in contact with. I think Communication Skills has encouraged me to stay with LLL for 50 years because of the caring and support we offer for parents, family, LLL Leaders, and others. Communication Skills has taught me that real communication epitomizes caring when it is based on being genuine, demonstrating respect/acceptance, and empathy.

Sue Scott Designer/Administrator

Sue Scott

Sue Scott has volunteered 40 years as a La Leche League Leader, 25 years as an LLL Communication Skills Instructor,  and  20 years as a Trainer. She has developed courses, taught classes, and  presented on the topics of breastfeeding, parenting, leader development, and communication skills  in the  USA, Asia, and Europe . Other paid and volunteer work includes teaching English as a second language, exchange student coordinator, working with international university students, helping adults with autism make and sell jewelry, and coordinator for volunteers at Donate Life Northwest.

In her free time Sue makes art, including a line of breastfeeding cards, designs jewelry, supports people with disabilities, and lifts weights.

 This quote by Margaret Mead has served to motivate Sue in all she tackles:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Sara Dale-Bley IBCLC Professional Advisor

Sara has been a private practice IBCLC since 2011, a La Leche league Leader since 2007, and was Professional Liaison for LLL of CO/WY from 2010-2018. In addition, Sara has been working with La Leche League United States West as Area Network and Council member since 2013 and was Chair of the Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition from 2015-2017. Sara, her husband, and their two children live in Denver and love exploring their wonderful city and beautiful state in their free time.

Sam Rounsavell Graphic Design Consultant

sam rounsavell

Sam Rounsavell has volunteered as Leader with La Leche League for 15 years and 5 years as a Communication Skills Instructor. She is also an administrator for the LLL Communication Skills Facebook page, https://tinyurl.com/yx9g8w9q and several other LLL Facebook pages and groups. She is homeschooling her 3 children and involved with the local homeschooling community. This quote is one of her favorites:

“Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable.” David W. Augsburger

CONTACT US at csonlineusw (at) gmail.com